What is spiritual fitness? For me, spiritual fitness is the understanding that we are conscious co-creators of our life; life doesn’t happen to us, it happens through us. There are no victims. I decide…I choose…I change. It is self-awareness. It is being diligent about the way I talk to myself and others with kind words and language. It is waking up to my life. I was sleeping walking through my life for the longest time. We sometimes have a tendency to subscribe to Murphy’s law…thinking whatever can go wrong will…or hope for the best but plan for the worst…we may even think that saying hurtful things to ourselves will prepare us for the cruel reality of whatever the situation is. Have you ever considered there may be a better way by paying as much attention to your spiritual fitness and mental well-being as you do your physical fitness?
Why warriors? We’re in a fight for our lives…it’s time to wake up…claim responsibility for our lives…and becoming unapologetic in filling our tanks with self-love and compassion.
Famous Buddhist teacher, author and nun, Pema Chödrön also mentions the concept in her book “The Places that Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times” [*Amazon]. She explores the tender heart of warrior, Pema Chödrön says,“This genuine heart of sadness can teach us great compassion. It can humble us when we’re arrogant and soften us when we’re unkind. It awakens us when we prefer to sleep and pierces through our indifference.”
In overcoming my own debilitating fears and insecurities of not feeling good enough…smart enough…pretty enough…or thin enough… I’ve learned everything needed to rebuild my confidence resides within me, within us, and within you. It takes relentless practice and repetition to manifest your wildest dreams into reality. I believe the way to overcome the feeling of burnout after job loss, guilty working mom syndrome, and painful break-ups is to realize that torture we put ourselves through is only fear and resistance. And I’ll tell you a secret I have found out…none of it is real. But knowing that alone…doesn’t make it go away. That’s why we need to work together in community to heal all that past trauma.
When my ex broke up with me…over text message mind you…I was begging him to reconsider…I told him I would be better…work harder …be different. He said stop being “love’s victim”….woooohhh….that stung…it triggered me…it made me write a 5 page monologue about everything he did wrong and I did right…I look at it now and I can’t even believe I was that girl…because ya know what…I’ll never tell him this ever…but he was right…I was a victim…but I didn’t know…we don’t know until we wake up….and that’s why I am committed to help others develop a healthy spiritual fitness practice. So maybe you won’t have to let go of your soulmate like I did.
The way I was living was starting to chip away at my soul. I knew I wasn’t the only woman of a certain age out there suffering. August 2019, I had my own spiritual awakening. I saw Patricia Moreno on stage for the first time and discovered intenSati practice, as she invited into a glimpse of what my new life could look like if I could choose to believe all the good things about me instead of wallowing in all the negative thoughts and past mistakes playing that loop in my brain. Though it didn’t happen over night and it took lots of hard work and committment, it was at that very first moment I could feel the armor built up around my heart starting to melt away. I made a conscious effort to stop walking through life going through motions. Through developing a routine practice of intenSati, journaling, affirmations, movement, and meditation and therapy I started to reclaim my inner joy and refueled my empty self-love tank. I learned that I wasn’t broken nor damaged, and there was nothing to be fixed. I had broken patterns and habits that needed to be upgraded or replaced, which is doable. I get to use my voice to motivate others and show them the way to find nirvana here on earth. In my quest to heal my own inner bully, I have found and studied several energy and healing modalities to offer my clients programs to address emotional over-eating and using your own energy source to promote healing and manifest the life of your dreams.
xo ~Rhonda