What is spiritual fitness?

For me, spiritual fitness is the understanding that we are conscious co-creators of our life; life doesn't happen to us, it happens through us. There are no victims. We decide...We choose...We change. Are you ready to embrace your spiritual fitness this year?

I am so very grateful to be on this journey with each one of you.  A warrior declares their victory at the beginning of every journey.  This is me declaring mine and bearing witness to your victory and glorious transformation. Today love wins!  

Manifesting the Path to the Spiritual Fitness Warrior

Behind the Business

In overcoming my own debilitating fears and insecurities of not feeling good enough…smart enough…pretty enough…or thin enough… I’ve learned everything needed to rebuild my confidence resides within me, within us, and within you.  It takes repetition to manifest your wildest dreams into reality. I commit the same unyielding determination to deliver proven strategies to my clients.  I founded the Spiritual Fitness Warriors with Rhonda community to help women overcome the feeling of burnout after job loss, guilty working mom syndrome, and painful break-ups.   

My over 25 years of project management experience afforded me the opportunity of various speaking engagements and building high-performance teams. After a corporate takeover, and surviving the tsunami to keep a job, only to find it was starting to chip away at my soul. I knew I wasn’t the only woman of a certain age out there suffering. August 2019, I had my own spiritual awakening. I saw Patricia Moreno on stage for the first time and discovered intenSati practice. That very day the armor built up around my heart starting to melt away and I stopped walking through life going through motions. In following Patricia’s teaching and coaching, journaling,practicing intenSati, affirmations, movement, and meditation, I reclaimed my inner joy and refueled my empty self-love tank. I learned that I wasn’t broken nor damaged, and there was nothing to be fixed. I had broken patterns and habits that needed to be upgraded or replaced, which is doable.  Becoming a spiritual fitness coach and messenger has given me the space to use my voice to motivate others and show them the way to find nirvana here on earth. In my quest to heal my own inner bully, I have found and studied several energy and healing modalities to offer my clients programs to address emotional over-eating and using your own energy source to promote healing and manifest the life of your dreams.  



Dream big and Develop a Positive Mindset

Lets work together to learn the right ways to manifest. Let me help you effectively overshoot your goals.



My Techniques


This is a journey of personal self-discovery. All the answers to your questions can be found within you. A QHHT session is a wonderful way to understand the cause behind what ails you and if appropriate, heal it instantaneously. This is a method where you are guided into a deep state of relaxation which allows for your conscious mind to step aside for your Subconscious or Higher Self to speak through you more clearly. Your higher self has the answers to all the questions you have about your life, your relationships, your health, your life’s purpose, and the lessons you are here to learn. In the meditative or trance state, you will explore the most appropriate life experience to help you understand yourself and your purpose. You are shown what is most relevant to what you are experiencing in your life now. Most sessions will be around 4-5 hours. You will receive a digital recording of your session within 24-48 hours. It is very important to listen to it often. There is nothing more powerful than gaining this understanding for yourself! Listening to recording helps to promote healing and you may continue to receive downloads to gain clarity in your life.



What Clients Are Saying ...

“Rhonda is a strong and powerful spiritual leader. Through Rhonda’s intenSati classes I have rebuilt my foundation finding a new sense of myself, one with profound inner peace and strength.”

intenSati classes

• Patricia Moreno is the creator and founder of intenSati and Sati practices
• IntenSati is a practice of intentional mindfulness that combines a heart-centered cardio workout with call-response affirmations…yeah that’s right you will be speaking during this class
• The practice embodies the idea of the spiritual warrior –  a tender hearted warrior of love -- which means taking responsibility for our own lives…you decide…you choose…you make the change that needs to be made…move ourselves out of victim mode…we are not victims
• This practice gives us the opportunity to see how powerful our thoughts are…the language we speak to ourselves…you can change your state when you change your physiology as you speak words of positivity with big strong moves
• Each move has a meaning and a purpose…you’re not just doing the moves to burn some calories or get a beach-ready



Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher

My mission is to share mindfulness practices with 10 million people around the world for the sake of our well-being and sustained survival.

As a Certified Teacher, I've trained hundreds of people to increase their mindfulness, compassion, concentration, and resilience.

Specialties include:

- Intro to Mindfulness & Meditation Workshops
- Intro to Mindful Eating Meditation Workshops
- Personalized Coaching
- Meditation Audio Recordings

Ready to become a spiritual fitness warrior?

We can do this together.